En unos meses se inaugurara un nuevo ambulatorio, y esperamos mejoras en la atención medica, mas especialidades y mas facultativos, esa es la esperanza que tenemos, puestos en situación os contare una anécdota que viví, en carne propia la ultima vez que visite a mi medico hace unos meses…. A ello voy: llegue a la sala de espera común, como casi siempre esta llena, antes de tomar asiento delante de la consulta doy los buenos días me devuelven el saludo dos o tres personas, tomo asiento espero mi turno, la sala mas que una zona medica parece un gran mercadillo, me pregunto yo a mi mismo, estarán de revisión medica la plantilla al completo de la once o los pacientes que allí se encontraban eran analfabetos con todos mis respetos hacia estas ultimas personas, hago esta referencia, pues sigo preguntándome nadie ve los múltiples carteles con el enunciado “se ruega silencio” o ¿será que estos carteles se las trae al pairo? Me parece a mi que debe ser esto ultimo, de repente una voz suena al fondo de la sala silencio, silencio guarden silencio : una compañera ha venido a trabajar enferma por respeto hacia ella y al resto de enfermos guarden silencio por favor, estas palabras procedían de un facultativo( digo esto pues llevaba bata blanca) tras el discurso entro en su consulta con cara de pocos amigos, como en un homenaje a titulo póstumo se guardo un minuto de silencio, transcurrido como si nada hubiera pasado, volvió la conversación coral, eso si ahora con mas potencia en el volumen.
Va ser verdad lo que dice el chiste: todos los días se reunían en un ambulatorio un grupo de “enfermos”, un día notaron la falta de un miembro de este grupo, alguien pregunto ¿Qué le pasa a mengano que hoy no vino? Respuesta: me parece que esta enfermo por eso no vino hoy……
Yo haría la siguiente sugerencia a quien corresponda, retiren los carteles de “se ruega silencio” y coloquen otros con esta frase” obligatorio conversar en el tono mas alto posible”, seguro que surtirá el efecto contrario, y en el ambulatorio se hará el silencio total….Bonavebe.
The clinic of my people, is small and over the years, becomes obsolete, it is a building on one floor, with one room, it can be mixed with the elderly newborns, also consists of several consultations small and insufficient.
In a few months, a new ambulance, and we expect improvements in medical care, more and more medical specialties, this is the hope that we have put in contare an anecdote that he lived in the flesh last visited my doctor a few months ago .... This I: reach the common waiting room, as is almost always full, before taking a seat in front of consulting the good morning I returned the greeting me two or three people, a place I hope my turn, more than one room area looks like a large medical market, I wonder to myself, will review the medical staff to complete the eleven or patients who were illiterate were there with all my respect to the latter people, I do this reference, because I still wonder no one sees the many posters with the words "quiet please" or is it that these posters are brought to breakdowns? It seems to me that this should be last, a voice suddenly rings at the back of the room silent, silent silence: a colleague came to work sick, out of respect to her and other patients, please be quiet, these words came an optional (I say this because wearing white coat) came after the speech in his face with a few friends, as a tribute to posthumously saved a moment of silence passed as if nothing had happened, the conversation turned coral So if you now have more power in the volume.
Will be true what the joke: every day in an ambulance met a group of "sick" one day they noticed the lack of a member of this group, someone asked what happens to mengano did not come today? Answer: I think that this was not so sick today ... ...
I would make the following suggestion to the appropriate, remove the posters "quiet please" and others put the phrase "must talk to the highest possible pitch, sure that takes the opposite effect, and the ambulance will silence Total .... Bonavebe.
In a few months, a new ambulance, and we expect improvements in medical care, more and more medical specialties, this is the hope that we have put in contare an anecdote that he lived in the flesh last visited my doctor a few months ago .... This I: reach the common waiting room, as is almost always full, before taking a seat in front of consulting the good morning I returned the greeting me two or three people, a place I hope my turn, more than one room area looks like a large medical market, I wonder to myself, will review the medical staff to complete the eleven or patients who were illiterate were there with all my respect to the latter people, I do this reference, because I still wonder no one sees the many posters with the words "quiet please" or is it that these posters are brought to breakdowns? It seems to me that this should be last, a voice suddenly rings at the back of the room silent, silent silence: a colleague came to work sick, out of respect to her and other patients, please be quiet, these words came an optional (I say this because wearing white coat) came after the speech in his face with a few friends, as a tribute to posthumously saved a moment of silence passed as if nothing had happened, the conversation turned coral So if you now have more power in the volume.
Will be true what the joke: every day in an ambulance met a group of "sick" one day they noticed the lack of a member of this group, someone asked what happens to mengano did not come today? Answer: I think that this was not so sick today ... ...
I would make the following suggestion to the appropriate, remove the posters "quiet please" and others put the phrase "must talk to the highest possible pitch, sure that takes the opposite effect, and the ambulance will silence Total .... Bonavebe.