
Se anuncia hoy por enésima vez, la subida del barril de petróleo…. Yo que no soy asiduo a los noticieros, si me fijo, en los letreros ubicados en las gasolineras, en los que se indican los precios de los combustibles, desde hace unas semanas, se revisan a diario y siempre al alza, me parece a mi que si seguimos la dinámica actual, no seria exagerado ver incrementos es los precios por horas«esto ultimo lo digo en tono humorístico».
Lo que no es broma, es el horizonte que se cierne, en torno al mercado del petróleo, conocedores los países productores del llamado” oro negro”, de que esta próximo o no muy lejano, el fin de este producto….Y justificada la demanda, no paran de incrementar su cotización en los mercados, después de muchos años en los que se mantuvo el barril en el entorno de lo 20 dólares, descubrieron el mana, y su avaricia, no tiene fin…No piensan cuando suben los precios, en el resto de los humanos, en las rentas mas bajas, castigadas por la subida generalizada de todos los productos de consumo, por el nulo incremento de salarios….El petróleo no volverá a bajar, eso tenerlo por seguro, la ciudadanía tiene que exigir, ¡si exigir! Que los gobiernos obtén desde ya, por energías renovables, que las hay, más respetuosas con el medioambiente, y más económicas.
Vayamos preparándonos, para el día, que ya no quede ni gota del combustible fósil, este día no esta muy lejano, quizás nosotros no llegaremos ha verlo, pero nuestros hijos o nietos seguramente si.
El último apunte, en algunos países árabes, con el dinero del petróleo, se están creadas grandes infraestructuras: faraónicos aeropuertos, islas artificiales, grandes rascacielos, etc. Sabéis que salario perciben los obreros, que realizan estas fastuosas obras, 200 dólares mensuales, si habéis leído bien, el dinerito para los jeques, no son finos los tíos…Bonavebe.
A continuacion articulo publicado por Eleconomista.es
El letón Andris Piebalgs, comisario europeo de Energía, recibió en su despacho bruselense a el Economista el pasado viernes por la mañana. El barril de petróleo seguía por encima de los 100 dólares en Londres y Nueva York. Y corregidos factores como la inflación, según los cálculos históricos de su equipo de colaboradores, el oro negro nunca había estado tan caro: ni tan siquiera en la segunda gran crisis petrolera, la de 1979.
Como medio planeta, Piebalgs tiene su vista puesta en la reunión que este miércoles celebra en Viena la Organización de Países Exportadores de Petróleo (OPEP).
"Espero que la OPEP demuestre que no nos estamos quedando sin petróleo. Y que, a medio y largo plazo, es capaz de aumentar su producción", explicó. "Los mercados están muy nerviosos. Los precios enloquecen porque hacen falta garantías a largo plazo de que la OPEP tiene suficientes recursos para responder al incremento de la demanda mundial", añadió antes de subrayar que "la única solución para salir de esta situación es que la OPEP desarrolle una política transparente y predecible a largo plazo de inversiones y de oferta".
"No basta con que los miembros de la OPEP anuncien el próximo miércoles 500.000 barriles más. Y ni se me pasa por la cabeza un recorte", puntualizó. "Un leve aumento puntual de la oferta no cambiaría los precios porque lo cierto es que ahora mismo no hay escasez de suministro y el nivel de actividad de las refinerías es elevado. Si todo el mundo está invirtiendo en materias primas es porque hay expectativas de que los precios sigan subiendo a largo plazo", estimó el responsable de la política energética comunitaria.
Piebalgs no cree que la volatilidad se pudiera paliar si el petróleo dejara de negociarse en un dólar en horas bajas, y lo hiciera en euros. Aunque reconoce que no es la mejor opción, le gustaría que la OPEP volviera a plantearse objetivos de horquillas de precios deseables. El cártel de Estados exportadores lo hizo cuando los precios eran bajos e intentaba impulsarlos. Y el comisario europeo cree que ahora, esta medida "mostraría que la organización con las mayores reservas trata de influir en los mercados, lo que sería muy útil".
"Desde luego debe dejar de proclamar que se preocupa por los consumidores, porque los está dañando. La consecuencia puede ser, según qué país, un crecimiento económico más débil o una recesión. Lo que tampoco resulta interesante para los países productores de crudo", apostilló.
Ningún precio debe sorprender
"Cuando llegué a la Comisión Europea en el año 2004, el barril de petróleo costaba 52 dólares. En tres años se ha duplicado. No podemos excluir que dentro de otros tres, en 2011, esté en 200 dólares. Lo que estoy diciendo es, en parte, una broma. Pero no nos debería sorprender" pronosticó antes de mirar al pasado para justificar sus cálculos: "Hace apenas dos meses aún esperábamos precios que ha resultado que no eran realistas".
"No podemos descartar los 200 dólares porque durante los dos últimos años todos nos hemos equivocado completamente al pensar que era imposible lo que, de hecho, está ocurriendo ahora. Se equivocaron las empresas, la Agencia Internacional de la Energía... Cuando alguien decía que llegaríamos a los 80 dólares por barril, y luego se dijo que a los 100, nadie consideraba que se estuviera hablando en serio. Recuerdo que cuando Goldman Sachs lo dijo hace tres años, todo el mundo se lo tomó a broma", advirtió el responsable de la política energética comunitaria.
Elevados impuestos en la UE
Piebalgs se opone a rebajar los elevados impuestos que, en la UE, gravan unos carburantes cada vez más caros sin necesidad de aditivos ni multiplicadores fiscales. "Es importante que no vayamos por el camino de reducir la fiscalidad. Los impuestos nos han ayudado, en general, a prepararnos ante la posibilidad de tener que pagar más por la energía tal y como está pasando", se defiende el comisario europeo. "Y nos ayudan a consumir menos energía que otras regiones del mundo", recordó.
Más ayudas para I+D
"Y creo que necesitamos más que nunca los ingresos generados por estos impuestos", afirmó antes de reclamar que su cuantiosa recaudación se canalice para ayudar a las familias más vulnerables ante la subida del petróleo. Piebalgs se refirió a la solidaridad social ante la "pobreza energética" que provoca la inflación mundial de los precios de la energía.
También reclamó el comisario europeo el trasvase de los recursos recaudados por la fiscalidad energética, para potenciar la investigación y el desarrollo (I+D) de alternativas para avanzar hacia lo que algunos analistas ya denominan la era post petróleo. Alternativas que no son otras que las diversas fuentes de energías renovables (solar, eólica, hidrógeno, etcétera), por un lado; y ahorro y eficiencia energética tanto en las empresas como en los hogares, por otro.
"Permítame mostrar un ejemplo que muestra lo poco preparados que estamos para hacer frente a los cambios que estamos experimentando", anunció Piebalgs antes de detallar que "durante el periodo comprendido entre los años 2007 y 2013, hemos multiplicado por cinco el presupuesto de la UE para ayudas al desarrollo de energías renovables y eficiencia energética; lo que a primera vista puede parecernos excelente".
"Lo hemos multiplicado por cinco", continúa, "con respecto al septenio anterior, el comprendido entre los años 2000 y 2006. Pero las cifras siguen siendo miserables comparadas con los desafíos que se plantean: 9.000 millones de euros es todo cuanto tenemos", lamentó.
"Si rebajáramos los impuestos sobre el petróleo, quizás pudiéramos contener en alguna medida los precios. Pero no es el camino que debemos seguir, porque así no contribuiríamos a reducir nuestro consumo energético. Y lo que necesitamos es impulsar cambios estructurales; ayudar a ejecutar los ajustes que debemos realizar; y prepararnos para un futuro en el que el petróleo podría ser incluso más caro", detalló para zanjar toda posibilidad de que la UE se vea tentada a rebajar sus impuestos para frenar la espiral alcista que registran los precios de la energía.
Latvian Andris Piebalgs, European Commissioner for Energy, received in his office in Brussels to the Economist last Friday morning. The barrel of oil remained above the $ 100 in London and New York. And fixed factors such as inflation, according to historical estimates his team, the black gold has never been as expensive or even in the second big oil crisis of 1979.
As a means planet Piebalgs has its eye on the meeting Wednesday in Vienna that the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).
"I hope that OPEC does not show that we are running out of oil. And that in the medium and long term, it can increase production," he explained. "The markets are very nervous. Crazy prices because they lack long-term guarantees that OPEC has enough resources to respond to increased global demand," he added before stress that "the only solution out of this situation is that OPEC to develop a transparent and predictable long-term investment and supply. "
"It is not enough for OPEC members to announce on Wednesday 500,000 barrels more. And I was not going to cut your head," he said. "A slight increase in supply spot prices would not change because the truth is that now there is no shortage of supply and the level of refinery activity is high. If everybody is investing in commodities is because there are expectations that prices continue to rise in the long term, "said the head of the EU energy policy.
Piebalgs did not think that volatility could be overcome if the oil stopped trading on a lower dollar in hours and do so in euros. While acknowledging that this is not the best option, OPEC would like to rethink goals of price brackets desirable. The cartel of exporting it did when prices were low and tried to promote them. And the European Commissioner believes that now, this measure "would show that the organization deals with the largest influence on the markets, which would be very useful."
"Of course you should stop claiming that consumers are concerned about, because it is damaging. The result can be, depending on what country a weaker economic growth or a recession. What is also interesting for the oil producing countries," he added.
No surprise price
"When I came to the European Commission in 2004, a barrel of oil cost $ 52. In three years has doubled. We can not exclude that within three others in 2011, is $ 200. What I am saying is, in part, a joke. But we should not be surprised "predicted before looking to the past to justify their calculations:" Just two months still expecting prices has proved that they were not realistic. "
"We can not rule out $ 200 because the last two years we have all completely wrong in thinking that it was impossible, in fact, is happening now. It is wrong companies, the International Energy Agency ... When somebody said would come to $ 80 per barrel, and then said that the 100, nobody believed that we are talking seriously. I remember that when Goldman Sachs said it three years ago, everyone took it a joke, "said responsible for EU energy policy.
High taxes in the EU
Piebalgs is opposed to lowering the high taxes in the EU levied a more expensive fuel without the need for additives or tax multiplier. "It is important that we do not go down the path of reducing taxation. The taxes have helped us, in general, to prepare for the possibility of having to pay more for energy as it is happening," EU Commissioner defends. "And help us to consume less power than other regions of the world," he recalled.
More aid for R & D
"And I think more than ever we need the revenue generated by these taxes," he said before claiming that his substantial collection is channeled to help families most vulnerable to rising oil prices. Piebalgs referred to social solidarity with the "energy poverty" caused by global inflation of energy prices.
European Commissioner also claimed the transfer of resources collected by energy taxation, to strengthen research and development (R & D) of alternatives to advance and what some analysts call the post-oil era. Alternatives other than that the various sources of renewable energy (solar, wind, hydrogen, etc.) on the one hand, and savings and energy efficiency in businesses and in homes, on the other.
"Let me show an example that shows how little we are prepared to cope with the changes we are experiencing," said Piebalgs before detailing that "during the period between 2007 and 2013, we have multiplied by five EU budget to aid the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency, which at first glance may seem very good. "
"We have multiplied by five," he continues, "over the previous seven, the years between 2000 and 2006. But the numbers are still paltry compared with the challenges: 9.000 million euros is everything we have," lamented.
"If rebajáramos taxes on oil, perhaps we could contain prices to some extent. But it is not the way forward, because that would not help reduce our energy consumption. And what we need is to promote structural changes, to help run we must make adjustments and prepare for a future in which oil could be even more expensive, "explained to settle any possibility that the EU will be tempted to lower their taxes to curb the upward spiral that record energy prices .
As a means planet Piebalgs has its eye on the meeting Wednesday in Vienna that the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).
"I hope that OPEC does not show that we are running out of oil. And that in the medium and long term, it can increase production," he explained. "The markets are very nervous. Crazy prices because they lack long-term guarantees that OPEC has enough resources to respond to increased global demand," he added before stress that "the only solution out of this situation is that OPEC to develop a transparent and predictable long-term investment and supply. "
"It is not enough for OPEC members to announce on Wednesday 500,000 barrels more. And I was not going to cut your head," he said. "A slight increase in supply spot prices would not change because the truth is that now there is no shortage of supply and the level of refinery activity is high. If everybody is investing in commodities is because there are expectations that prices continue to rise in the long term, "said the head of the EU energy policy.
Piebalgs did not think that volatility could be overcome if the oil stopped trading on a lower dollar in hours and do so in euros. While acknowledging that this is not the best option, OPEC would like to rethink goals of price brackets desirable. The cartel of exporting it did when prices were low and tried to promote them. And the European Commissioner believes that now, this measure "would show that the organization deals with the largest influence on the markets, which would be very useful."
"Of course you should stop claiming that consumers are concerned about, because it is damaging. The result can be, depending on what country a weaker economic growth or a recession. What is also interesting for the oil producing countries," he added.
No surprise price
"When I came to the European Commission in 2004, a barrel of oil cost $ 52. In three years has doubled. We can not exclude that within three others in 2011, is $ 200. What I am saying is, in part, a joke. But we should not be surprised "predicted before looking to the past to justify their calculations:" Just two months still expecting prices has proved that they were not realistic. "
"We can not rule out $ 200 because the last two years we have all completely wrong in thinking that it was impossible, in fact, is happening now. It is wrong companies, the International Energy Agency ... When somebody said would come to $ 80 per barrel, and then said that the 100, nobody believed that we are talking seriously. I remember that when Goldman Sachs said it three years ago, everyone took it a joke, "said responsible for EU energy policy.
High taxes in the EU
Piebalgs is opposed to lowering the high taxes in the EU levied a more expensive fuel without the need for additives or tax multiplier. "It is important that we do not go down the path of reducing taxation. The taxes have helped us, in general, to prepare for the possibility of having to pay more for energy as it is happening," EU Commissioner defends. "And help us to consume less power than other regions of the world," he recalled.
More aid for R & D
"And I think more than ever we need the revenue generated by these taxes," he said before claiming that his substantial collection is channeled to help families most vulnerable to rising oil prices. Piebalgs referred to social solidarity with the "energy poverty" caused by global inflation of energy prices.
European Commissioner also claimed the transfer of resources collected by energy taxation, to strengthen research and development (R & D) of alternatives to advance and what some analysts call the post-oil era. Alternatives other than that the various sources of renewable energy (solar, wind, hydrogen, etc.) on the one hand, and savings and energy efficiency in businesses and in homes, on the other.
"Let me show an example that shows how little we are prepared to cope with the changes we are experiencing," said Piebalgs before detailing that "during the period between 2007 and 2013, we have multiplied by five EU budget to aid the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency, which at first glance may seem very good. "
"We have multiplied by five," he continues, "over the previous seven, the years between 2000 and 2006. But the numbers are still paltry compared with the challenges: 9.000 million euros is everything we have," lamented.
"If rebajáramos taxes on oil, perhaps we could contain prices to some extent. But it is not the way forward, because that would not help reduce our energy consumption. And what we need is to promote structural changes, to help run we must make adjustments and prepare for a future in which oil could be even more expensive, "explained to settle any possibility that the EU will be tempted to lower their taxes to curb the upward spiral that record energy prices .