Since Monteferro in Panjon Nigra, overlooking the Cies Islands,
the barrier islands that form gives shelter to many
ships in the Ria de Vigo, hoping to calm the sea
bravery and able to continue their voyage, I gorse plant
common in the countryside of Galicia, I also see one of the islands
Steles, the smaller the waves with no respect
repeatedly beaten with increasing intensity,
because this foam from the sea, which covers
blanket the coast of this mountain is mentioned in a
.. Bonavebe principle.
the barrier islands that form gives shelter to many
ships in the Ria de Vigo, hoping to calm the sea
bravery and able to continue their voyage, I gorse plant
common in the countryside of Galicia, I also see one of the islands
Steles, the smaller the waves with no respect
repeatedly beaten with increasing intensity,
because this foam from the sea, which covers
blanket the coast of this mountain is mentioned in a
.. Bonavebe principle.
Hermosas fotos,Bonavebe.
ResponderEliminarY lo mejor de todo, tu constancia. Eres increible en el mantenimiento del blog: bueno, actualizado y encima hermoso.
Espero que no te molestes si trato de imitarte.
Saludotes agarimosos.
Muchas gracias Tonecho, es todo un honor ser imitado, aunque uno no lo merezca, gracias amigo, un saludo cordial.