Mis rosas de otoño , autor Bonavebe. A partir del día 24-12-2010 nuevo blog http://bonavebe-divagandodesdevigo.blogspot.com/
Algunos de mis vídeos. Some of my videos.
domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2008
Lluvia, flores y fruta. (11) Rain, flowers and fruit. (11)
Las rosas son cubiertas por un manto de gotas de lluvia...Bonavebe.
The roses are covered by a veil of raindrops ... Bonavebe.
sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2008
Paseo por Jardimar Portugal.(10) Paseo por Jardimar Portugal. (10)
Ciclamenes y poinsettias llenan de color hoy las nuevas fotos...Bonavebe.
Cyclamen and poinsettia filled with new color today
Photos ... Bonavebe.
Viana Do castelo,
viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2008
Paseo por Jardimar Portugal.(9) Paseo por Jardimar Portugal.(9)
jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2008
Paseo por Jardimar Portugal.(8) Paseo por Jardimar Portugal.(8)
martes, 25 de noviembre de 2008
Paseo por Jardimar Portugal.(7) Paseo por Jardimar Portugal.(7)
El sol ilumina el color de las plantas...Bonavebe.
The sun illuminates the color of plants ... Bonavebe.
Viana Do castelo,
lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2008
domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2008
Paseo por Jardimar Portugal.(5) Paseo por Jardimar Portugal.(5)
El Tour continúa...Bonavebe.
The Tour continues ... Bonavebe.
Las plantas y árboles no conocen la intolerancia ni el racismo, se integran en los países sin reticencias y nos alegran la vida e incluso nos fuerzan a la comunicación entre naciones, la naturaleza es sabia mas que los humanos racionales, una planta puede estar en Inglaterra, Escocia, Madagascar, Japón, Alemania, Argentina, Líbano, Israel, China, México, Australia, Portugal, España, Marruecos, Estados Unidos, Corea, Turquía, Ucrania, Rusia, Sierra Leona, Etiopia, India, Nueva Zelanda, Irán, Andorra, Suiza, Suecia, …En todo el mundo, no tener nación ni nacionalidad ni pensamiento pero su convivencia Serra pacifica y casi siempre se adaptara a su nueva nación sin mas será acogida con aprecio y cariño nos alegrara la vista y la vida sin pedir nada a cambio el humano la contaminara en alguna ocasión y ella morirá sin quejarse pues solo es naturaleza y pocos defensores tiene…Bonavebe.
Plants and trees are not aware of intolerance and racism, are integrated into the country without hesitation and we are happy life and even force us to communication between nations, nature is wise rather than rational humans, a plant may be in England , Scotland, Madagascar, Japan, Germany, Argentina, Lebanon, Israel, China, Mexico, Australia, Portugal, Spain, Morocco, USA, Korea, Turkey, Ukraine, Russia, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, India, New Zealand, Iran, Andorra, Switzerland, Sweden, ... Throughout the world, no nation or nationality, nor his thought but Serra peaceful coexistence and almost always adapt to their new nation without more will be greeted with appreciation and affection comforted us the light and life without asking nothing to change the human polluted, at least once, and she will die without complain because it is only nature and few defenders have ... Bonavebe.
sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2008
Paseo por Jardimar Portugal.(5) Paseo por Jardimar Portugal.(5)
Nuevas plantas nuevas flores nuevos colores…Bonavebe.
New plants new flowers new colors ... Bonavebe.
beaucarnea recurvata,
pie de elefante,
Viana Do castelo,
viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2008
Paseo por Jardimar Portugal.(4) Paseo por Jardimar Portugal.(4)
jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2008
Tomiño, La Gandara Goian, Galicia, España. Sin derechos medioambientales (1)Stonehaven, La Gandara Goian, Galicia, Spain. Without environmental rights
A finales de los años 90 un “listillo” granjero metido a constructor, tuvo la ingeniosa idea de construir una urbanización al lado de tres granjas de pollos de engorde con capacidad total de 45.000 pollos. Lo planeo bien mientras construía las casas paralizo la actividad en las granjas, a cada persona que quería comprar una casa y preguntaba por la situación de las granjas (entre ellos yo) les decía: tranquil@ las granjas son de mi propiedad y cuando la urbanización se acerque a ellas serán derribadas para seguir construyendo casas, esto nos lo dijo a cada uno de los propietarios 9 en total, nos fiamos de las palabras de este hombre con cara de “buena” persona. Una vez que vendió todas las casas, en vez de derribar las granjas, metió pollos en las mismas he ahí comenzaron nuestros problemas, dada la cercanía de las mismas con las casas (alguna se encuentra a menos de 20 metros) y la cantidad de problemas que genera el mal funcionamiento de las granjas; polvo, malos olores, ruido, proliferación de insectos, etc. Nuestras vidas se convirtieron en un infiernó, hartos de esta situación hace dos años comenzados a denunciar ante varios estamentos, Defensor del pueblo, Conselleria del Medio rural, Conselleria de Sanidad, Conselleria del Medio Ambiente, ayuntamiento de Tomiño, todo para nada…Estas granjas que fueron construidas en el año 1971 ya comenzaron ilegales, pues la normativa que las regia por aquel entonces eran del año 1961 y en la misma se prohibía construir granjas a menos de 300mtrs de un núcleo de casas, el centro del pueblo esta menos de 100mtrs de las mismas y algunas casas a menos de 40 mtrs es decir hasta el día de hoy funcionan sin licencia de actividad ni de apertura, la Xunta de Galicia en el año 2004 las hace “legales” sin mas, nosotros( mas de 60 personas afectadas) no estamos en contra del funcionamiento de las mismas, si no que exigimos que cumpla las normativas actuales que rigen el funcionamiento de dichas instalaciones, así como la mejora de edificios y las normativas medioambientales, pues nosotros, nuestros, hijos y ancianos tienen el derecho constitucional a un medioambiente saludable, como cualquier ciudadano español y del mundo. Ojo cuando compréis vuestra vivienda os pueden timar y despues ningún organismo os hará ningún caso, os lo digo por experiencia…Bonavebe.
At the end of the 90s a "listillo" farmer got a builder, had the ingenious idea of building a housing development next three broiler farms with total capacity of 45,000 chickens. What I plan well while constructing houses paralyzes activity on the farm, every person who wanted to buy a house and inquired about the status of the farms (including myself) told them: @ tranquil farms are my property and where urbanization you approach them will be demolished to continue to build houses, so we told each of the owners 9 in total, we Fiamo the words of this man with a face of "good" person. Once all the houses sold, instead of demolishing the farm, chickens stuck in the same behold began our problems, given the closeness of those with homes (one is less than 20 meters) and the amount of problems generated by the malfunction of the farms, dust, odors, noise, proliferation of insects, and so on. Our lives were turned into an inferno, fed up with this situation two years ago started to complain to various estates, Ombudsman, consisting of the Middle rural, Ministry of Health, Conselleria for the Environment, City of Stonehaven, all for nothing ... These farms which were built in 1971 and began illegal because the rules that regia at the time of the year was 1961 and it was prohibited to build farms to less than 300mtrs of core houses, the village center is less than 100mtrs of them and some houses to less than 40 meters that is until today operate unlicensed activity or opening, the Galician regional government in 2004 made the "legal" without more, we (more than 60 people affected ) Are not against the operation of the same, if not we demand that meets the current regulations governing the operation of such facilities as well as the improvement of buildings and environmental regulations, then we, our, children and elderly people have the right Constitutional to a healthy environment, as any Spanish citizen and the world. Compréis eye when your house you can cheat and then no body will make you any case, what you Bonavebe ... I say from experience.
At the end of the 90s a "listillo" farmer got a builder, had the ingenious idea of building a housing development next three broiler farms with total capacity of 45,000 chickens. What I plan well while constructing houses paralyzes activity on the farm, every person who wanted to buy a house and inquired about the status of the farms (including myself) told them: @ tranquil farms are my property and where urbanization you approach them will be demolished to continue to build houses, so we told each of the owners 9 in total, we Fiamo the words of this man with a face of "good" person. Once all the houses sold, instead of demolishing the farm, chickens stuck in the same behold began our problems, given the closeness of those with homes (one is less than 20 meters) and the amount of problems generated by the malfunction of the farms, dust, odors, noise, proliferation of insects, and so on. Our lives were turned into an inferno, fed up with this situation two years ago started to complain to various estates, Ombudsman, consisting of the Middle rural, Ministry of Health, Conselleria for the Environment, City of Stonehaven, all for nothing ... These farms which were built in 1971 and began illegal because the rules that regia at the time of the year was 1961 and it was prohibited to build farms to less than 300mtrs of core houses, the village center is less than 100mtrs of them and some houses to less than 40 meters that is until today operate unlicensed activity or opening, the Galician regional government in 2004 made the "legal" without more, we (more than 60 people affected ) Are not against the operation of the same, if not we demand that meets the current regulations governing the operation of such facilities as well as the improvement of buildings and environmental regulations, then we, our, children and elderly people have the right Constitutional to a healthy environment, as any Spanish citizen and the world. Compréis eye when your house you can cheat and then no body will make you any case, what you Bonavebe ... I say from experience.
Tomiño, La Gandara Goian, Galicia, España. Sin derechos medioambientales (2)Stonehaven, La Gandara Goian, Galicia, Spain. Without environmental rights
A finales de los años 90 un “listillo” granjero metido a constructor, tuvo la ingeniosa idea de construir una urbanización al lado de tres granjas de pollos de engorde con capacidad total de 45.000 pollos. Lo planeo bien mientras construía las casas paralizo la actividad en las granjas, a cada persona que quería comprar una casa y preguntaba por la situación de las granjas ( entre ellos yo) les decía: tranquil@ las granjas son de mi propiedad y cuando la urbanización se acerque a ellas serán derribadas para seguir construyendo casas, esto nos lo dijo a cada uno de los propietarios 9 en total, nos fiamos de las palabras de este hombre con cara de “buena” persona. Una vez que vendió todas las casas, en vez de derribar las granjas, metió pollos en las mismas he ahí comenzaron nuestros problemas, dada la cercanía de las mismas con las casas (alguna se encuentra a menos de 20 metros) y la cantidad de problemas que genera el mal funcionamiento de las granjas; polvo, malos olores, ruido, proliferación de insectos, etc. Nuestras vidas se convirtieron en un infiernó, hartos de esta situación hace dos años comenzados a denunciar ante varios estamentos, Defensor del pueblo, Conselleria del Medio rural, Conselleria de Sanidad, Conselleria del Medio Ambiente, ayuntamiento de Tomiño, todo para nada…Estas granjas que fueron construidas en el año 1971 ya comenzaron ilegales, pues la normativa que las regia por aquel entonces eran del año 1961 y en la misma se prohibía construir granjas a menos de 300mtrs de un núcleo de casas, el centro del pueblo esta menos de 100mtrs de las mismas y algunas casas a menos de 40 mtrs es decir hasta el día de hoy funcionan sin licencia de actividad ni de apertura, la Xunta de Galicia en el año 2004 las hace “legales” sin mas, nosotros( mas de 60 personas afectadas) no estamos en contra del funcionamiento de las mismas, si no que exigimos que cumpla las normativas actuales que rigen el funcionamiento de dichas instalaciones, así como la mejora de edificios y las normativas medioambientales, pues nosotros, nuestros, hijos y ancianos tienen el derecho constitucional a un medioambiente saludable, como cualquier ciudadano español y del mundo. Ojo cuando compréis vuestra vivienda os pueden timar y despues ningún organismo os hará ningún caso, os lo digo por experiencia…Bonavebe.
At the end of the 90s a "listillo" farmer got a builder, had the ingenious idea of building a housing development next three broiler farms with total capacity of 45,000 chickens. What I plan well while constructing houses paralyzes activity on the farm, every person who wanted to buy a house and inquired about the status of the farms (including myself) told them: @ tranquil farms are my property and where urbanization you approach them will be demolished to continue to build houses, so we told each of the owners 9 in total, we Fiamo the words of this man with a face of "good" person. Once all the houses sold, instead of demolishing the farm, chickens stuck in the same behold began our problems, given the closeness of those with homes (one is less than 20 meters) and the amount of problems generated by the malfunction of the farms, dust, odors, noise, proliferation of insects, and so on. Our lives were turned into an inferno, fed up with this situation two years ago started to complain to various estates, Ombudsman, consisting of the Middle rural, Ministry of Health, Conselleria for the Environment, City of Stonehaven, all for nothing ... These farms which were built in 1971 and began illegal because the rules that regia at the time of the year was 1961 and it was prohibited to build farms to less than 300mtrs of core houses, the village center is less than 100mtrs of them and some houses to less than 40 meters that is until today operate unlicensed activity or opening, the Galician regional government in 2004 made the "legal" without more, we (more than 60 people affected ) Are not against the operation of the same, if not we demand that meets the current regulations governing the operation of such facilities as well as the improvement of buildings and environmental regulations, then we, our, children and elderly people have the right Constitutional to a healthy environment, as any Spanish citizen and the world. Compréis eye when your house you can cheat and then no body will make you any case, what you Bonavebe ... I say from experience.
At the end of the 90s a "listillo" farmer got a builder, had the ingenious idea of building a housing development next three broiler farms with total capacity of 45,000 chickens. What I plan well while constructing houses paralyzes activity on the farm, every person who wanted to buy a house and inquired about the status of the farms (including myself) told them: @ tranquil farms are my property and where urbanization you approach them will be demolished to continue to build houses, so we told each of the owners 9 in total, we Fiamo the words of this man with a face of "good" person. Once all the houses sold, instead of demolishing the farm, chickens stuck in the same behold began our problems, given the closeness of those with homes (one is less than 20 meters) and the amount of problems generated by the malfunction of the farms, dust, odors, noise, proliferation of insects, and so on. Our lives were turned into an inferno, fed up with this situation two years ago started to complain to various estates, Ombudsman, consisting of the Middle rural, Ministry of Health, Conselleria for the Environment, City of Stonehaven, all for nothing ... These farms which were built in 1971 and began illegal because the rules that regia at the time of the year was 1961 and it was prohibited to build farms to less than 300mtrs of core houses, the village center is less than 100mtrs of them and some houses to less than 40 meters that is until today operate unlicensed activity or opening, the Galician regional government in 2004 made the "legal" without more, we (more than 60 people affected ) Are not against the operation of the same, if not we demand that meets the current regulations governing the operation of such facilities as well as the improvement of buildings and environmental regulations, then we, our, children and elderly people have the right Constitutional to a healthy environment, as any Spanish citizen and the world. Compréis eye when your house you can cheat and then no body will make you any case, what you Bonavebe ... I say from experience.
Tomiño, La Gandara Goian, Galicia, España. Sin derechos medioambientales (3)Stonehaven, La Gandara Goian, Galicia, Spain. Without environmental rights
A finales de los años 90 un “listillo” granjero metido a constructor, tuvo la ingeniosa idea de construir una urbanización al lado de tres granjas de pollos de engorde con capacidad total de 45.000 pollos. Lo planeo bien mientras construía las casas paralizo la actividad en las granjas, a cada persona que quería comprar una casa y preguntaba por la situación de las granjas ( entre ellos yo) les decía: tranquil@ las granjas son de mi propiedad y cuando la urbanización se acerque a ellas serán derribadas para seguir construyendo casas, esto nos lo dijo a cada uno de los propietarios 9 en total, nos fiamos de las palabras de este hombre con cara de “buena” persona. Una vez que vendió todas las casas, en vez de derribar las granjas, metió pollos en las mismas he ahí comenzaron nuestros problemas, dada la cercanía de las mismas con las casas (alguna se encuentra a menos de 20 metros) y la cantidad de problemas que genera el mal funcionamiento de las granjas; polvo, malos olores, ruido, proliferación de insectos, etc. Nuestras vidas se convirtieron en un infiernó, hartos de esta situación hace dos años comenzados a denunciar ante varios estamentos, Defensor del pueblo, Conselleria del Medio rural, Conselleria de Sanidad, Conselleria del Medio Ambiente, ayuntamiento de Tomiño, todo para nada…Estas granjas que fueron construidas en el año 1971 ya comenzaron ilegales, pues la normativa que las regia por aquel entonces eran del año 1961 y en la misma se prohibía construir granjas a menos de 300mtrs de un núcleo de casas, el centro del pueblo esta menos de 100mtrs de las mismas y algunas casas a menos de 40 mtrs es decir hasta el día de hoy funcionan sin licencia de actividad ni de apertura, la Xunta de Galicia en el año 2004 las hace “legales” sin mas, nosotros( mas de 60 personas afectadas) no estamos en contra del funcionamiento de las mismas, si no que exigimos que cumpla las normativas actuales que rigen el funcionamiento de dichas instalaciones, así como la mejora de edificios y las normativas medioambientales, pues nosotros, nuestros, hijos y ancianos tienen el derecho constitucional a un medioambiente saludable, como cualquier ciudadano español y del mundo. Ojo cuando compréis vuestra vivienda os pueden timar y despues ningún organismo os hará ningún caso, os lo digo por experiencia…Bonavebe.
At the end of the 90s a "listillo" farmer got a builder, had the ingenious idea of building a housing development next three broiler farms with total capacity of 45,000 chickens. What I plan well while constructing houses paralyzes activity on the farm, every person who wanted to buy a house and inquired about the status of the farms (including myself) told them: @ tranquil farms are my property and where urbanization you approach them will be demolished to continue to build houses, so we told each of the owners 9 in total, we Fiamo the words of this man with a face of "good" person. Once all the houses sold, instead of demolishing the farm, chickens stuck in the same behold began our problems, given the closeness of those with homes (one is less than 20 meters) and the amount of problems generated by the malfunction of the farms, dust, odors, noise, proliferation of insects, and so on. Our lives were turned into an inferno, fed up with this situation two years ago started to complain to various estates, Ombudsman, consisting of the Middle rural, Ministry of Health, Conselleria for the Environment, City of Stonehaven, all for nothing ... These farms which were built in 1971 and began illegal because the rules that regia at the time of the year was 1961 and it was prohibited to build farms to less than 300mtrs of core houses, the village center is less than 100mtrs of them and some houses to less than 40 meters that is until today operate unlicensed activity or opening, the Galician regional government in 2004 made the "legal" without more, we (more than 60 people affected ) Are not against the operation of the same, if not we demand that meets the current regulations governing the operation of such facilities as well as the improvement of buildings and environmental regulations, then we, our, children and elderly people have the right Constitutional to a healthy environment, as any Spanish citizen and the world. Compréis eye when your house you can cheat and then no body will make you any case, what you Bonavebe ... I say from experience.
At the end of the 90s a "listillo" farmer got a builder, had the ingenious idea of building a housing development next three broiler farms with total capacity of 45,000 chickens. What I plan well while constructing houses paralyzes activity on the farm, every person who wanted to buy a house and inquired about the status of the farms (including myself) told them: @ tranquil farms are my property and where urbanization you approach them will be demolished to continue to build houses, so we told each of the owners 9 in total, we Fiamo the words of this man with a face of "good" person. Once all the houses sold, instead of demolishing the farm, chickens stuck in the same behold began our problems, given the closeness of those with homes (one is less than 20 meters) and the amount of problems generated by the malfunction of the farms, dust, odors, noise, proliferation of insects, and so on. Our lives were turned into an inferno, fed up with this situation two years ago started to complain to various estates, Ombudsman, consisting of the Middle rural, Ministry of Health, Conselleria for the Environment, City of Stonehaven, all for nothing ... These farms which were built in 1971 and began illegal because the rules that regia at the time of the year was 1961 and it was prohibited to build farms to less than 300mtrs of core houses, the village center is less than 100mtrs of them and some houses to less than 40 meters that is until today operate unlicensed activity or opening, the Galician regional government in 2004 made the "legal" without more, we (more than 60 people affected ) Are not against the operation of the same, if not we demand that meets the current regulations governing the operation of such facilities as well as the improvement of buildings and environmental regulations, then we, our, children and elderly people have the right Constitutional to a healthy environment, as any Spanish citizen and the world. Compréis eye when your house you can cheat and then no body will make you any case, what you Bonavebe ... I say from experience.
Tomiño, La Gandara Goian, Galicia, España. Sin derechos medioambientales (4)Stonehaven, La Gandara Goian, Galicia, Spain. Without environmental rights
Me pregunto yo, ¿hay ciudadanos de primera y ciudadanos de segunda?, las familias que viven en el barrio de La Gandara, Goian, Tomiño, Pontevedra, Galicia, España. No tenemos derecho a un aire limpio y saludable, pagamos nuestros impuestos, y la administración (Xunta de Galicia y Ayuntamiento de Tomiño) no hace nada permitiendo que tres granjas avícolas se salten varias normativas...Ahora enviaremos estos videos, fotos y documentación sobre estas tres granjas, a los responsables de sanidad, medioambiente y agricultura, no hay derecho a que en pleno siglo 21 se den estos casos...Bonavebe.
I wonder, are there people in the first and second-class citizens?, Families living in the neighborhood of La Gandara, Goian, Stonehaven, Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain. We have no right to clean air and healthy, we pay our taxes, and government (Xunta de Galicia and City Council Tomiño) does nothing to allow that three poultry farms will jump several regulations ... Now send these videos, photos and documentation These three farms, those responsible for health, environment and agriculture, there is no right in the middle of the 21st century that's making these cases ... Bonavebe.
Paseo por Jardimar Portugal.(3) Paseo por Jardimar Portugal.(3)
En esta tercera entrega fotográfica sigo mostrando plantas de interior expuestas para la venta en este vivero portugués...Bonavebe.
In this third delivery photographic still showing plants
Interior displayed for sale in this nursery
Portuguese ... Bonavebe.
Viana Do castelo,
miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2008
martes, 18 de noviembre de 2008
Bonsái de gran tamaño (2) Bonsai large (2)
Hoy os traigo el segundo bonsái de gran tamaño que vi en el vivero Jardimar en Portugal, como el anterior pertenece a la especie Ficus...Bonavebe.
Today I bring you the second large bonsai I saw in
Garden nursery in Portugal, as the former belongs
the species Ficus ... Bonavebe.
Paseo por Jardimar Portugal.(1) Paseo por Jardimar Portugal.(1)
El pasado domingo me di una vuelta por un vivero de plantas portugués, concretamente Jardimar suelo pasar por el mismo varias veces al año, hice algunas fotos que os
quiero mostrar...Bonavebe.
Last Sunday gave me a tour of a nursery
Portuguese plants, specifically through soil Jardim
the same number of times a year, I made some pictures that you
I want to show ... Bonavebe.
Capsicum annuum,
flor de cera,
jazmín de Madagascar,
Viana Do castelo,
lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2008
Bonsái de gran tamaño (1) Bonsai large (1)
Ayer por la tarde en un vivero de plantas pude observar entre otras planta do bonsáis de gran tamaño hoy os muestro el primer ejemplar de ficus...Bonavebe.
Yesterday afternoon at a plant nursery I could see
among other plant large trees do you today
I show the first copy of ficus ... Bonavebe.
Yesterday afternoon at a plant nursery I could see
among other plant large trees do you today
I show the first copy of ficus ... Bonavebe.
Juníperos hacia bonsáis (12) Juniper bonsai to (12)
Ultimas imágenes de este segundo Junípero, ambos ejemplares este y el primero mostrado pasaran varios años unos 4 como media, en vasija de "entrenamiento" en la misma engordaran y se formaran tanto en la parte aérea como en las raíces, cara aun futuro de Bonsái...Bonavebe.
Latest images of this second Junipero, both
This copies and the first shown to spend several years
about 4 on average, in bowl of "training" on
fattening and it was formed in the air
as in roots, even future face of Bonsai ... Bonavebe.
domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2008
Juníperos hacia bonsáis (11) Juniper bonsai to (11)
sábado, 15 de noviembre de 2008
viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2008
Juníperos hacia bonsáis (9) Juniper bonsai to (9)
jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2008
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- http://bonsaimania.com/
- http://personales.com/espana/tarragona/Orquideas/
- http://personales.ya.com/orientyorchids/pagina_principal.html
- http://www.asocoa.com/
- http://www.bonsai-arte-viviente.com/
- http://www.bonsaiglobal.com/
- http://www.bonsaikebana.com/
- http://www.cdamfiv.com/
- http://www.espaflor.com/espaflor_bonsai_spain.htm
- http://www.exotic-seeds-lapalma.com/cgi-bin/shop_es/shop.cgi?source=kampagne2
- http://www.galiciasuroeste.info/
- http://www.j-bonsai.com/
- http://www.jardinesjaponeses.com/
- http://www.meteogalicia.es/
- http://www.planetabonsai.net/index.php
- http://www.portalbonsai.com/
- http://www.potkob.com/
- http://www.thebonsaigarden.com/links.php?lang=ES
- http://www.verdeesvida.es/