Dos nuevos manzanos en maceta rectangular, obtenido a través de la técnica de acodo aéreo dispone de yemas florales que empiezan a desarrollarse, la variedad del mismo es reineta. En la maceta redonda de color marrón manzano variedad reineta injertado por mi hace 4 años, como patrón utilice un árbol que nació en la finca( ambos arboles proceden de un árbol que tenia plantado en la finca el acodo y el esqueje), empieza a florecer y el año pasado ya produjo frutos...Bonavebe.
Two new trees in a rectangular planter, obtained
through the technique of air layering has buds
flowers that start to develop, the variety of
pippin same. In the pot round brown
pippin apple variety grafted by my 4 years ago,
pattern used as a tree that was born on the farm (both
trees derived from a tree that was planted in the
estate and cutting the layering), begins to flower and year
gone ... Bonavebe produced fruits.
through the technique of air layering has buds
flowers that start to develop, the variety of
pippin same. In the pot round brown
pippin apple variety grafted by my 4 years ago,
pattern used as a tree that was born on the farm (both
trees derived from a tree that was planted in the
estate and cutting the layering), begins to flower and year
gone ... Bonavebe produced fruits.