Mis rosas de otoño , autor Bonavebe. A partir del día 24-12-2010 nuevo blog http://bonavebe-divagandodesdevigo.blogspot.com/
Algunos de mis vídeos. Some of my videos.
domingo, 2 de marzo de 2008
Yo no se si creer o no en la reencarnación. I do not know whether or not to believe in reincarnation.
Soy «católico», no practicante, no creo en la existencia del infierno, y dudo que exista el cielo….Como dice un buen amigo mío, Dios existe, cada cual tiene el suyo: sol, luna, Buda, Mahoma, Jesús, llamémosle X. Tod@s, creemos en algo, cuando desesperados y desbordados por las circunstancias…..Acudimos a nuestro«Dios», quien diga lo contrario o bien miente o no ha vivido una situación “extrema” en su vida, si esta llega buscara ayuda divina.
Teóricamente cada persona disponemos de una sola vida, en su desarrollo encontraremos el infierno y el cielo, o viviremos periodos más o menos largos, en cada uno de estos lugares, a veces por nuestra voluntad y acciones y otras por circunstancias ajenas a nuestro ser. No tenemos la certeza real de haber vivido, solo una vida…a veces hemos percibido un «Déjá vu», estamos viviendo una situación, que ya creemos haber vivido, esta peculiaridad nos hace reflexionar, ¿Habremos vivido en una vida anterior?, si es así ¿Qué fuimos?
Yo no se si creer o no en la reencarnación, alguna vez pensé este hecho, y si pudiera escoger, en que reencarnarme, ya hice mi elección, en mi próxima vida, no quiero ser ni rico, poderoso, guapo, famoso, etc., simplemente quiero ser un gato, pero no uno cualquiera, quiero ser Gilbert(Gilbert es mi gato), mejor existencia no podré tener, no trabajaría, de día dormiría, toda la noche estaría de juerga, para comer solo tendría que maullar, que mejor vida que esta….Bonavebe.
Os ilustro con un par de fotos el artículo, así seria mi otra vida.
Soy 'Catholic', not practicing, I do not believe in the existence of hell, and I doubt there is a heaven .... As a good friend of mine, God exists, each has its own sun, moon, Buddha, Mohammed, Jesus, call X. Tod @ s, we believe in something, when desperate and overwhelmed by the circumstances ... .. come to our "God", who says otherwise either lying or has not experienced a "extreme" in his life, if this comes to seek help divine.
Theoretically, each person has one life, will find their development hell and heaven, or live more or less long periods in each of these places, sometimes by our will and actions by other circumstances beyond our being. We have no real certainty of having lived only one life ... sometimes we have perceived a "Déjà vu, we are experiencing a situation that we have lived, this feature makes us think, will have lived in a previous life? If What is left?
I do not know whether or not to believe in reincarnation, ever thought this, and if I could choose, that reincarnations, my choice I made in my next life, or do not want to be rich, powerful, handsome, famous, and so on. just want to be a cat, but not any one, I want to be Gilbert (Gilbert is my cat), there may not have better, not work, sleep during the day, all night revelry would be to eat only would maullar that better life than this .... Bonavebe.
We illustrated with a couple of photos to the article, and other serious my life.
Theoretically, each person has one life, will find their development hell and heaven, or live more or less long periods in each of these places, sometimes by our will and actions by other circumstances beyond our being. We have no real certainty of having lived only one life ... sometimes we have perceived a "Déjà vu, we are experiencing a situation that we have lived, this feature makes us think, will have lived in a previous life? If What is left?
I do not know whether or not to believe in reincarnation, ever thought this, and if I could choose, that reincarnations, my choice I made in my next life, or do not want to be rich, powerful, handsome, famous, and so on. just want to be a cat, but not any one, I want to be Gilbert (Gilbert is my cat), there may not have better, not work, sleep during the day, all night revelry would be to eat only would maullar that better life than this .... Bonavebe.
We illustrated with a couple of photos to the article, and other serious my life.
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