Los primeros eran sencillos, tanto en la composición de su material, como en su diseño, en ellos se buscaba la comodidad del sujeto que los usaba…. Con el paso de los años, fue evolucionando, tanto en los tejidos y diseños, como también en su uso, paso de ser utilizado exclusivamente por los deportistas, a serlo por el resto, seres mortales.
Y en este punto se armo la marimorena, de combinarlo con las zapatillas deportivas, paso a serlo con cualquier tipo de calzado, con las trágicas consecuencias que esta acción conlleva, como diría mi paisano, contertuliano radiofónico Josemi que ordinariez y atrevimiento el conjuntar esta prenda, con zapatos o botas, en los hombres, y que falta de glamour ver a una señora con zapatos de tacón, abrigo de piel y el consabido chándal, deberían estas dos ultimas acciones ser causa de delito, penadas, con 4 fines de semana de arresto domiciliario, por lo menos y retirada y prohibición de volver a utilizar esta prenda en un año, vamos hombre….Bonavebe.
Garment that is the principle, established with the function of being used by athletes, either in the practice of their sport or as part of the wardrobe.
The first was simple, both in the composition of their material, as in their design, they sought the comfort of using the subject .... Over the years, evolved, both in fabrics and designs, as well as in its use, step to be used exclusively for athletes to be for the rest, mortal beings.
And here is the harmonization marimorena of combining with the running shoes, step to become any type of footwear, with the tragic consequences of this action involves, as I would say my countryman, contertuliano radio ordinariez Josemi and daring that all this garment with shoes or boots, in men, and that lack of glamor to see a lady with high heels, fur coat and the proverbial tracksuit, these last two actions should be a cause of crime, punishable with 4 weekends house arrest, at least, and removal and prohibition of re-using the garment in a year, let man .... Bonavebe.
The first was simple, both in the composition of their material, as in their design, they sought the comfort of using the subject .... Over the years, evolved, both in fabrics and designs, as well as in its use, step to be used exclusively for athletes to be for the rest, mortal beings.
And here is the harmonization marimorena of combining with the running shoes, step to become any type of footwear, with the tragic consequences of this action involves, as I would say my countryman, contertuliano radio ordinariez Josemi and daring that all this garment with shoes or boots, in men, and that lack of glamor to see a lady with high heels, fur coat and the proverbial tracksuit, these last two actions should be a cause of crime, punishable with 4 weekends house arrest, at least, and removal and prohibition of re-using the garment in a year, let man .... Bonavebe.