Esta mañana visite una tienda de productos agrícolas de la cual conoci recentemiente su existencia, es la tercera vez que la visito y os la quiero recomendar la tienda llamada Protección Verde, S L ocupa una nave industrial situada en el lugar de Pontellón - Eiras crta. Tui - La Guardia Km.187 en Pontevedra España el teléfono de contacto es el 986098892. Esta mañana hable con el propietario y le pregunte por si tenían pagina Web, y me respondió que no que hace 2 años contrato su elaboración pero ha día de hoy sigue sin ella. Esperemos que pronto este lista para poder consultar los productos que comercializan y realizar pedidos. Mientras os informo de alguno de los productos, de calidad y buen precio(comprobado por mi) que se venden en esta tienda ; Tratamiento de frutales y viña : pastas cicatrizantes, aceite, cobre, etc. Fertilizantes : para, viña, huerta, invernadero y jardinería. Material poda : tijeras, serruchos, tijera pértiga. Material para protección : máscaras, guantes, ropa y calzado de trabajo. Y otros productos : bandejas, semilleros, macetas, jardineras, plásticos agrícolas, plásticos invernadero, piensos, sulfatadoras, herramientas agrícolas, jardinería, material ganadero : bebederos, comederos, tolvas. Fitosanitarios : herbicidas, fungicidas, insecticidas. Clomplementos y piensos para animales de compañía. Material riego : mangueras, aspersores, accesorios, etc. Césped : semilla, tepes, abonado, tratamientos, sustratos y turbas. Semillas.
Hoy en la tienda estuve viendo serruchos de poda de fabricacion japonesa entre otros, cortan las ramas con una facilidad increible( las pobramos en una rama que tienen para este proposito) segun tamaño los precios van desde 25 euros la mas barata hasta 60 euros la mas cara herramienta de gran calidad ( tambien tienen otras marcas de serruchos entre otros marca Bahco), la semana pasada compre hormonas enraizantes en polvo para leñosas bote de 250 gramos marca inabar el precio 10, 5 euros, hoy compre un saco de 25 kilos abono organico su precio 8,5 euros, os dejo fotos de la composicion y utilidad de abono, lo dicho tienda cien por cien recomendable por precio y calidad...Bonavebe.
This morning visit a store for agricultural products
recentemiente which knowledge of its existence, is the third
After the visit and I recommend you the shop
Call Protection Green, SL has a factory
located at the Pontellón - crta Eiras. Tui - The
Km.187 Guardia Pontevedra Spain on the phone
contact is 986098892. This morning we talk to
owner and ask if they had web site, and I
responded that no contract 2 years ago that its development
but today she still does not. Hopefully soon
this list to get the products
market and place orders. While you can inform
a product of good quality and
Price (checked by me) that are sold in this store;
Treatment of fruit and vines: pulp healing,
oil, copper, etc.. Fertilizer: For, vineyards, orchards,
greenhouse and gardening. Material cutting: scissors,
saws, scissors pole. Material for protection:
masks, gloves, working clothes and footwear. And others
products: trays, seedlings, pots, planters,
agricultural plastics, greenhouse plastics, animal feed,
sulfates, agricultural tools, gardening,
Livestock material: drinkers, feeders, hoppers.
Phytosanitary: herbicides, fungicides, insecticides.
Clomplementos and feed for pets.
Material irrigation hoses, sprinklers, accessories, etc..
Lawn: seed, Tepes, subscriber treatments, substrates
and mob. Seeds.
Today I was watching the store pruning saws
Japanese manufacturing among others, cut the branches with
an incredible facility (the poor in a branch
have for this purpose) to size the price will
from 25 euros to 60 euros cheaper the more expensive
High quality tool (also have other brands
among other brand of saws BAHC), last week
hormones enraizantes buy powdered wood boat
250-gram mark 10 Inaba price, 5 euros, today
buy a bag of 25 kg organic fertilizer price 8.5
euros, I leave with you pictures of the composition and utility of
fertilizer, such as store hundred percent recommended by
price and quality ... Bonavebe.
recentemiente which knowledge of its existence, is the third
After the visit and I recommend you the shop
Call Protection Green, SL has a factory
located at the Pontellón - crta Eiras. Tui - The
Km.187 Guardia Pontevedra Spain on the phone
contact is 986098892. This morning we talk to
owner and ask if they had web site, and I
responded that no contract 2 years ago that its development
but today she still does not. Hopefully soon
this list to get the products
market and place orders. While you can inform
a product of good quality and
Price (checked by me) that are sold in this store;
Treatment of fruit and vines: pulp healing,
oil, copper, etc.. Fertilizer: For, vineyards, orchards,
greenhouse and gardening. Material cutting: scissors,
saws, scissors pole. Material for protection:
masks, gloves, working clothes and footwear. And others
products: trays, seedlings, pots, planters,
agricultural plastics, greenhouse plastics, animal feed,
sulfates, agricultural tools, gardening,
Livestock material: drinkers, feeders, hoppers.
Phytosanitary: herbicides, fungicides, insecticides.
Clomplementos and feed for pets.
Material irrigation hoses, sprinklers, accessories, etc..
Lawn: seed, Tepes, subscriber treatments, substrates
and mob. Seeds.
Today I was watching the store pruning saws
Japanese manufacturing among others, cut the branches with
an incredible facility (the poor in a branch
have for this purpose) to size the price will
from 25 euros to 60 euros cheaper the more expensive
High quality tool (also have other brands
among other brand of saws BAHC), last week
hormones enraizantes buy powdered wood boat
250-gram mark 10 Inaba price, 5 euros, today
buy a bag of 25 kg organic fertilizer price 8.5
euros, I leave with you pictures of the composition and utility of
fertilizer, such as store hundred percent recommended by
price and quality ... Bonavebe.
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